You can access the Groups page by using the Menu in the top navigation bar. The Groups page will list all of the Groups that you have created or are a Member of. In addition, a group icon with the number of members is also shown for quick reference, as well as the description (if any) for that group.
Click on the Group’s name to see a Group Detail page.
An “Active” tag will be listed by current, active Groups.
If you are the Leader or Creator of that Group, you will be able to see a small “Edit” button that will allow you to invite and manage members, change the description or name of the group, and will give you a link to Deactivate Group if necessary.
Group Detail Page
This page will display the Group’s Image, Description, Members, and Activities (Reading Plans, Custom Journals, or Book Assignments).
Every Group Member’s name and email address is listed.
You can click on any of the Activities to access the latest Reading Plan, Custom Journal, or Book Assignment.
Below these links is a feed of completed Activities by all of the Group Members for easy reference.
Each activity will have title in larger red type. In addition, each activity will list the date, group, plan, and group member. Just click on the title to open that activity and review. If you like, you can “mark as read”, like, or comment on the activity. In addition, your other group members comments will be listed.
Inviting Members to Groups
The best practice is to do this one at a time. Once you send the Invite, the potential member will receive an email with a link to login to their DiscipleLink account. Please note that the email address must match the DiscipleLink member’s email address they used to create their account.
Creating Groups
While this is available in the current version of DiscipleLink, this is an advanced feature. If you create a new group, please reach out to so that we can integrate that group with the correct Community.